marți, 26 aprilie 2011


And I saw their faces, they were tired and sad..but something was keeping them awake and still full of energy. Those days were horrible for them. All the work, for just 2 days of joy, was done with love and care but meanwhile was an exhausting work.

Everyone was waiting under the dark of the sky, the stars were shining. I was looking at them, enjoying the atmosphere, but that 'Holiday feeling ' was not like it used to be when I was young. While I was waiting for light for my candle I was wondering <why since 3 years I don't feel the same thing?>..My hands were cold, like always, I was trying to warm them at my candle and in the same time I was listenind to the word of the priest.
After a while I arrived home, I couldn't sleep, I lay down in my bed and watching the walls.
But finally I felt asleep.

And damn, I told myself  I won't write anything about 'holiday and stuff' .
Anyway Happy Easter! :)

sâmbătă, 23 aprilie 2011

Vis pierdut

Aceeasi intrebare pusa de foarte multe ori si mii de raspunsuri.Nu stii ce sa crezi,la ce sa te gandesti..
Oare faci bine?Oare faci rau?Ar trebui sa te opresti sau sa iti continui drumul? Nici pentru aceasta nu exista un raspuns concret.
Te gandesti..Daca te opresti din drum vei regreta sau va fi bine,dar daca mergi mai departe? ..poti intalni mii de probleme.
Si totusi exista cineva care sa ne raspunda la miile de intrebari care le avem? Si stiu ca nu sunt prima care isi pune aceaste intrebari.Si astept si nu se intampla nimic.
De fapt..exista,sau cel putin noi asa credem .Poate e cel de sus,dar se imparte in milioane de bucatele pentru fiecare om ?nu cred.

Prea multe intrebari si raspunsuri,dar totusi prea putin timp.